Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Family favourites

We all have those meals which our moms and dads used to cook. Those meals which were our favourites as children. Those meals, that even as a grown up, we smell and taste and it brings us back to our childhood; back to good memories... back to home.

I've just made one of those. Ginger beer chicken and mushrooms.

Passed down from my Grandfather Naas, down to Rosie, down to me. Although it was Rosie's recipe, my mom used to cook it. I had forgotten about this particular meal for some time, but with a wiff from the kitchen (when my mom was cooking it) I knew that smell. I knew that taste. I knew that memory. I was brought back to home.

Now I'm not going to share this recipe - it's a family favourite. It is to belong in the family treasure chest, just for our mouths to taste. But don't dispair, I am sure you have your own family meals. In this case, sharing is not caring.

Now I've just made it. Although, when you make it, it never tastes as good as your moms or dads cooking. But hey, it still brings back those memories.

This comes second in the list of family favourites.

The first (applause please) which goes to THE SAUSAGE AND SPAGHETTI. (Another recipe from Grandpa Naas... thank you Granddad). Now, no one is a better maker of this then Rosie. But I am a close second. This surely brings back memories of when I was a young'in.

Thank you Rosie for passing down your family favourites. I'll be sure to pass them onto my kids. From generation to generation, the SAUSAGE AND SPAGHETTI and Ginger Beer Chicken shall prevail.

It's nice to know that even though some of your family may not be around, that with a single meal, you can bring them into your home.

1 comment:

  1. Aah!! (he says wiping a tear from his eye) I'm so touched and honoured that your Number 1 & 2 comes from my side of the family!! Especially when your Mom's side of the family was a collection of great cooks - all who competed for best spread at Christmas. Yes, there was even competition within the Clements side of the family ;-)

