Friday, June 18, 2010


As being a very deep and thoughtful person I found myself very much thinking about the most unusual things. A normal person would think about his money or his family, I would tend to think about basis things, like for instance roads and cars. I am not talking about the colour or types of cars or what makes it, I am talking about cars driving on the road. I found myself one day sitting on a grassy patch looking over scenery of buildings and intersections of roads and many cars driving on them. It was late in the afternoon, slowly but growing into the sunset evening. It amazes me how just staring into an ordinary scenery can be so soothing, almost relaxing even though all around you is crazy, drivers hooting and rushing to go where they have to be. So there I was, my brain thinking and my soul searching to find truth in this amazing scenery. I started to think.

Why was I so fascinated in the movement of cars driving along the road as they always did? I then came to a realisation. People were driving in the cars, of course they did as you may think. But it was something more. Then it came to me. I thought about the drivers! Where were they going to? Where did they come from, what place did they leave, either their work or a house? Some were in a rush, others just relaxed behind the wheel. What made them in a rush, what ‘obstacle’ in that day made them late? What had they done in their lives or jobs to obtain the money to purchase that car? What made them choose that style or colour of their car? Was it their favourite choice of colour or style, or were they at the wrong car dealership at the wrong time- did fate decide for them?

Then I started to think of the ‘bigger picture’. Let’s just say you were on a highway with roads or the freeway below you and you can see all the cars drive past below. Have you ever watched the cars move, it’s like they are all moving at the same time, almost synchronized. No car moving faster then the other, all at equal distances from one another. I found that sight very exuberating. It is like the road is an exact replica of “life”. Every one “moving” together, as humans do, along the “so-called” Journey of life. Everyone has come from a place, “driving” on the journey, and headed towards a destination! Some cars break down, just like humans do when they have an emotional or physical break down and some cars just move along smoothly with no problems, just like some blessed humans do. But no “car” is perfect and sometimes even the most expensive and “durable” cars need a service! Something then caught my eye. There are many hills or curves on a road, no road is very straight.

Further on in the distance I could see the road disappearing into the distance, you could no longer see the roads or the cars on it. And as the cars go off into the distance and disappear all I could see was the bright red back lights of the car, as it was turning into the night and getting darker. I then related this sight to life once again. The cars with their backs facing me and disappearing behind the hill, is almost like death per say. And the cars coming toward me over the hill was like birth. Every person dies and another is born. Some “cars” leave you and you aren’t able to see them yet you know they are still “driving” along, maybe in Heaven; it depends on what you believe. I may be wrong, but there is no harm in thinking. And yes you, the reader, may think that this “thought” about a car is absurd, well, hey it’s my thought. One thought amongst a many in my brain, one thought to add to my world of thinking and one thought to add to my ever-so-searching soul.

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