Friday, June 25, 2010

My fav's

A girls gotta have her favourite things - and so do I...

Simply put - one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor. Tequila, my club friend... you have been with me, or should I say coming out of me, for many a times - after a long party. Although you taste like shit, especially when you come flying out of mouth a rapid speed, you still are my favourite alcoholic shot. Although I have aged and cannot handle you much anymore, there's no doubt that when I was younger - I was the tequila queen. I could drink anyone under the table with these. Yup, we can certainly reminisce about our friendship over the years.

"Do you wanna go for a top deck" was code name for "do you wanna go for a smoke?", back in the day when no one knew that was smoking. Not only used for this purpose, this chocolate is my fav when it comes to piggying out. I can't just have one piece, I have to demolish the entire bar. Yup, this chocolate ranks No.1 on my list of sweet things.

Not only is Nivea cream a fav on my list, but it's a MUST HAVE! I suffer from OCD when it comes to dry hands. Once a day, keeps the dry hands at bay, or away! I have used this product since a was a younging - it's done me well all these years. I'm not one of those feminine chicks who use a multitude of products. Normal soap and Nivea cream is all its takes - and yes, I would be the first one to say I have perfect skin - but a thank you is due to this outstanding product! Props to Nivea!

Yes, guilty as charged.... I am a full blooded smoker. Not one to advocate smoking as a great thing to do - but there's no beating a smoke after a long day, with a glass of coke or having a smoke when you stressed or having a smoke when you are craving so bad! Sorry, mamacow ( a nickname I call my step-mom), and the rest of my parents, I know you hate this dirty habit...

My ultimate favourite of all time is the Blue Lagoon. Some may say it's a porn flick, which is utter crap, but I think it's about taking innocence back to basics. Made in the 19-footsak, this movie explores the growing up of two children - as they discover hair growing on their legs, hitting purberty and having babies. Not forgetting when Brooke Shields gets her period and Christopher Atkinson says "you're bleeding"... Watching this movie reminds me of how nature is... a life without man-made things... a life where children can grow up in a positive way.
There are other positives to this movie, like the skimpy cloth that Christopher wears, revealing just enough to make the heart thump. He reminds me of my boyfriend. Funnily enough, my boyfriends name is Christopher and his hair is identical to Christopher in the movie. That fluffy mass of hair... yes gotta love the hair!

Then we have the brilliant ... the fantastic (hold - long pause...) SEX & THE CITY! No, I'm not just talking about the movies - I am talking about the series too. Give me any title of any episode and I'll be able to tell you the plot. Yes, I am a sex, I mean - sex and the city - fanatic. I can't stand those irritating people who go to the movies and rave it about it, even though they haven't even seen the episodes. DUH - the movie is a follow on...dimwits! Don't be acting like you are the No.1 fan when you weren't even there from the beginning!

I watch Sex and the City - it's an escape for me.

I always imagine that I would be exactly like Carrie, a sex columnist living the trendy New York, living the fab life! day!

Miranda is my fac - her humour is a dry as a horse's ass, but boy is she funny! No one can forget Samantha though - and her, cheek-reddening sex-capades.

Yup, the five of us go way back!

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