Friday, June 18, 2010

Things happen for a reason

I have heard this saying so many times in my life; it is almost like it has become clique. Until today and through my experiences I now whole-heartedly believe it. I am a person who believes in fate, I believe that certain happenings will occur in your life in order to ‘take’ you to where you are ‘supposed’ to be in your future. God, if you believe in him of whom I do, has designed my life, planned every event and course perfectly in order to prepare and develop me into something I will be in my future. Many things have happened to me in the course of my life so far, but I didn’t actually think about the ‘big picture’ until today.

Let’s start from when I was younger and in primary school. Being teased on a daily basis was not, in any sense, about my looks or about the mean person calling me names. It would play a bigger part in my life, unbeknownst to me at the time. Yes, sure, it hurt like hell and gradually lowered my self-esteem to the size of a pea, but despite how badly I was affected, it actually was a positive experience in the long run and would receive more positive outcomes than negative ones. If my self esteem wasn’t degraded, I would have never have gone to a psychologist for the depression I was going through at the time. I found the psychologist, honestly, a waste of time and thought that they only told me what I already knew. This of course led me on another path. I left the psychologist and was introduced to a wonderful ‘spiritually enlightened’ woman whom I was told would help me with my problems and low self esteem. Surprisingly she did!

My on going sessions with my spiritual healer increased my interest in the ‘spiritual’ world and I found myself wanting to know more and more about spirituality. I was in for a spiritual awakening! I was then lead to learning and investigating more about spirituality and still am to this day and as I look back on those days of teasing and mockery, I now see that it was actually a positive event. I mean, think about it, if I wasn’t teased then I wouldn’t be depressed and have gone to the psychologist or my spiritual guider. Yes, I will always remember the feelings and hurt of being teased; the degrading words expressed to me by those heartless people, but the satisfaction I get these days from being spiritually active, I could say that it was worth it and I would never change it for the world.

One person said to me one day that God will never place something upon you that you will not be able to handle. She was right, because I don’t think anyone else would have been able to handle it the way I did and come out of it with a smile. I was strong, and God had known my strength and my ability to overcome it. So I thank those people who called me names, for I am a better person today because of it. Strange how things work out hey? People, especially me, will only look at the situation at the present moment and the negative reality of it. They will not look at the ‘big picture’ and positive affects it can bring into your life. So in the end, the teasing happened for a reason, and a great one at that! That was one experience in a history book of many.

Another time in which I learnt that things happened for a reason was when I went to the hairdresser. I had bleached half my hair white and the top was black, so my hair was in dire need of a fix up. Whilst sitting outside having coffee and waiting for the dye to settle in my hair, a male hairdresser sat next to me. I had first got an eerie feeling about him, sad to say, but something still intrigued me about him. Maybe I felt a vibe or something, but I asked him if he meditated? Just out of the blue, just like that. He surprisingly replied with a yes, but said he didn’t like talking about spiritual things if no one approached him first about it. We then got into an in depth conversation about the composition of the world, human beings as ‘spiritual beings’ and life issues. I told him about my fear of boys, interaction with the male species and my low self esteem. He told me about his low self-esteem (he had also been teased as a youngster). I was shocked to hear that, yet relieved because someone else had gone through what I had been through. That day and for a while back I had many issues and pondering thoughts in my head I needed to sort out, many questions I needed answered. And he gave me some answers and website addresses for more information I was wanting for ages.

It was so strange how two people of different sexes, ages and personalities, that were complete strangers, could come together instantly and talk freely about something quite personal, only something people could talk about after a long time of knowing one another. I then realised that going to get my hair cut and dyed was not the purpose of my visit to the hairdresser but to meet this man who would bring me so much knowledge and answers I had been searching for, for a long time. So very strange, but God works in mysterious ways, amazing ways in fact. I can relate this to people in many ways. A person may come into your life for a reason, either to help you financially, or give you advice when you have been needing ‘mental aid’ for a while or for some other reason. But it is purely up to you to realise their purpose in your life and not just pass it off as some ordinary encounter. I had many encounters like that in my youth of which were so helpful and sometimes almost life changing.

One day at school I got into another in depth with a girl in my class I would never think of having a conversation with, never mind it being meaningful. She gave me advice and some what inspiration to continue my research of life and soul searching. My encounter with her happened for a reason, and it also gave me the thought which inspired me to write this chapter. And I thank her as I do other people for coming into my life for that split second for a reason and a purpose in which helped in my development.

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