Monday, June 21, 2010

Poking Noses

Why are people such ‘brown nosers’? Always insisting to stick there big noses into other people’s business! People were definitely trying to stick their noses into my business, something that annoyed me to the core. I knew exactly what was going on in my life… I didn’t need a full-on analysis of it from everyone around me, especially when it involved criticism. Many people don’t realize this, but when they criticize another person’s life, they are merely reflecting there own miserable life. Where as in the situation where your friend points out all the negatives in your relationship, she is only displaying subconsciously her own negative aspects in hers. They are trying to subdue the spotlight on their ‘broken’ relationship and shine it brightly onto yours.

Even though I am aware of this, why does it affect me so much? Are the negatives they casually express about your life – negative truths? Is there truth behind their torture? I had one person in particular who laid out all the things she or he thought was bad about my life so clearly on the table. She thought that I was sacrificing my life and opportunities for some one else. Giving up too much of my life for some one else, not thinking of myself. I was truly offended, but was it because truths always hit the heart the most? I don’t think so. It was not truth to me. I chose my life, I chose my choices and I stick by them.
I don’t think it is right for anyone, at any time, to judge another because they do not, in any sense, know what happens between closed doors and in my mind. You can only judge some one after you have walked in their shoes, only once you have lived a day in their life. This is obviously impossibly and therefore no one can judge. They can only judge themselves.

Because everyone’s life is ‘foreign’ to anyone else’s - how can you place criticism on something that is so different to your own? What may be normal to you, maybe be abnormal to me and vice versa. You are happy how you live and I am happy how I live. Simple. You aren’t living my life and don’t have to go through what I go through, so why is there a need to discourage me?

Maybe people ‘constructively’ criticize others in order to try help and better their lives, but I think behind every light there is a darkness. A reason beneath every statement. When that specific person stated that I was holding back on some opportunities, whose opportunities were they? Mine or hers? From a pessimistic point of view, people can be very selfish. Doing something for their own well being and using others to get there. Those ‘opportunities’ she said were mine, might have been hers and she could have been using me to pursue them and thus making her life better. Hard to explain, but there is some truth in this statement. For example, a friend tells her friend that she is spending so much time with her partner and that it is not healthy. This is clearly a criticism. The selfish ‘hidden’ truth behind it is that she wants to spend more time with her friend, going to parties and meeting new guys for herself.

I am happy with my life and I am happy with my choices. That’s all the opinions I need because the most important opinion in the whole entire world is the opinion you have of yourself! I am coping just fine with the way I am living, I don’t think anyone would be able to cope the way I do. But that is why I get so angry with people who criticize my life, because they do not understand it (in fact I don’t want them to). They are only mean about it because they cannot see themselves living the way I do. That makes me happy because no one is as strong as me, I am unique and so is my life.

I am Me.

And this is MY life.

No one else’s.

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