Friday, June 18, 2010

Men - The irrational apes

March 2007

The evolution of man, as stated by many theorists, shows the process of men evolving from apes. Man’s physicality may have changed from the ape, but has the mind’s of men changed? The great philosophers argued that man possesses rationality, that we can therefore make rational judgments and have rational solutions to our problems. This is however, not evident in society today and many incidents that I have witnessed, may prove this statement inaccurate and false.

One incident in particular occurred one evening at a friend’s house. A get together of people involving fun, food, chatting and alcohol. But of course, alcohol brings more to the table then just the word and the booze itself. Alcohol brings with it boosted egos, unacceptable behavior and violence. This is to be expected, not all the time but most of the time. This time I expected it.

To cut a long story short, I’ll give you a metaphor. Imagine an ape living in his cell, his territory in the zoo. Along comes another ape. Being territorial and protecting what they ‘own’, a fight breaks out. “This is my territory- back off.” The ape’s, although vocabulary stunted, can’t sit down and participate in a discussion about whose lands this is and why the ‘invader’ should not cross certain boundaries. The funny thing is, human men follow the same procedure. They possess the ability to talk, yet commence in a battle of brawn.

This was the situation at my friend’s house. Unwelcome guests arrived and my friend and his mates decided to beat the living shit out of the unwelcomed guests. Fists flew, bodies pounced, blood spew everywhere. It was a sight that brought me to tears - that brought me to write this chapter. Why are men and boys like apes? Maybe scientists are wrong, maybe there is NO missing link between apes and humans. We inevitable act the same, and do not use our ability to rationalise.

In my opinion, fighting is the worst thing to resort to. It is physically repulsive to look at and actually down right pathetic. The strange thing is, is that man seem to enjoy it. It is a quest for them – to see who has the biggest penis out of the lot. Then after their victory, they dance around with praise like apes beating their chests. They cry out ‘Did you see that punch?’ or ‘did you see how scared that guy looked?’. They fight as a team and praise each other for the ‘terrific’ work they just did. What is even more irritating is that even if the actual fight was between two people and supposed to be a one-on-one fight, the whole flock gets involved. Men in fights claim that they are so strong and could beat up anyone, yet it takes ten of them to beat up one guy. How inhumane is it that one person gets beaten up by ten people- not a fair match I’d say. It’s easy when a whole bunch of men join together – truly irrational. Don’t men realise that it is far harder to speak with words then to speak with a fist?

Let’s observe men in their natural habitat of watching a game of rugby. A player scores a goal on television and the audience watching screams and shouts or otherwise known as ‘rant and rave’. The referee then makes a command that the audience does not like, and they grunt and groan. No verbal communication is used, well I’m being a little unfair hear- words used are: ‘bloody idiot’, ‘stupid’, ‘fucking bozo’ – these fall short of a rational and intellectual human being vocabulary.

Maybe what is needed is a mental evolution. If not, men should be stripped of their humanitarian clothes and left with a skin cloth. – NOTHING ELSE BUT THEIR ANIMAL INSTINCTS.

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