Wednesday, August 11, 2010

B-R-E-A-K an EGG

This is not going to be a positive, happy-go-lucky blog post full of pink daises and butterflies.

This is negative, this is reality.

I have witnessed people on the brink of insanity. I have witnessed people over-dose on drugs. I have heard of people who tip over the edge of reality, and do things that would affect any normal person like walking in a busy road naked. This is scary but unfortunately this is a reality.

Push a potato too far, and what you get is mash, in fact humpty Dumpty. Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the kings men, couldn’t put Humpty together again. Is this true for all humans? If you crack, you are inevitable broken and cannot be fixed. There seems to be a thin line between sanity and insanity.

Make a person go through continual heart-wrenching and tough life lessons, and watch them crack. This life we live in is a harsh one. It is not for faint hearted, nor for the fragile, nor the weak.

Are we all eggs waiting to crack? Waiting for the world to scramble, or boil, or fry us?

Gosh, I sound cynical. I'm actually draining myself.

PS: This picture of Humpty Dumpty freaks me out.

PPS: Witnessing these people drop off the edge of reality, makes me realise how strong and positive I am.


  1. What you said is true, once Humpty Dumpty breaks, its not possible to put it back.
    But the skill is not cracking. I know its a tall order, but if one navigates properly there is a good chance that one can sail through.

  2. Hi Haddock, That's absolutely true. People can sail through, although some take longer than others.... But eventually, Humpty will get back on the wall. :)

  3. Or sometimes you don't have to get on the wall, you can opt for the ground to avoid falling again :) - Natasha
