Tuesday, August 31, 2010

crazy day'zeez

I'm currently going through crazy day'zeez.

Everything is up in the air. It's unsettling.

I keep chasing the damn mice inside my skull. I swear, if my brain had legs - it would run away. Thank fuck for the skin that surrounds my skull.

Being over-analytical is a curse. May this gene not be passed onto my children. You end up analyzing everything so much that it takes away any sort of enjoyment or excitement. I swear, if I analyzed an apple hard enough, I'd turn it into a prune.

I'm all thoughts and emotions 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

I'm in a weird place at the moment ... can't seem to figure out if its a depressive phase or if I am just plain stressed. Everyday I feel like I am going to have a panic attack, or even worse, a heart attack. I can feel the blood continuously on a high note, bubbling.

I need to take a breather. Better yet, I need a holiday. A T.I.M.E O.U.T.

Stacey - start living day by day. Focus on the present and don't worry about the future.

I'm chasing crazy daisies...

... and if I don't stop my stressing, soon I'll be pushing them. (Now, that's an ugly thought)

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