Friday, August 13, 2010

Neck spasm

My neck it outta wack. Ouch.

I didn't have my special pillow last night and now I have to bear the brunt of it. It's getting worse. I need a massage. Where art thy magic fingers?

I was focused at work this morning and managed to get a lot done. My head is above water now and I am no longer sinking. Although I have a pile of articles to write. Writers block begone!

Focused. Not focused. Focused. Not focused.

I'm back to my normal smoking amount. Damn you cigarettes! As my stress levels go up, so does the amount.

I have a show day for the flat this weekend. Thy shalt not be negative, nor worry if the house doesn't sell or if people have bad comments about it. I also have a giant job for a large corporate client this weekend for my business. I have hired 6 people for this job. That's the most I have ever hired for one job. Stacey Rowan- Mizz Employer. There's so much to prepare but funnily enough I am not worried.

"I am stress-free" - one affirmation I have to keep repeating to myself.

I found a great Chinese place that sells yummy food. So there I was with Chris eating Chinese and watching a thriller/horror movie. I love horror movies, for some arb reason.

'So that's your daily update from the Stacey Rowan Station, 95.6. Tune in later for another report."

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