Friday, August 13, 2010

Dedicated to Haddock

This blog post is dedicated to Haddock, formally none as Joe Zachariah. Now I don't know him from a bar of soap and no, I have never met him.

Upon scrolling down my blog, I noticed he had a made a comment on one of my posts. Now, I only have two followers listed on my blog - although I am sure more people read it. No one seems to write comments though unfortunately.

[HINT] Post comments on my blog so that I know you have read them.

After reading his blog profile, I realised he lived all the way in Pune, India. It made my day. The fact a person, even if it just one person, from all the way across the sea, across the world in fact, has read my blog. Has read Stacey Rowan's blog.

Not only is it nice to know that I have reached others, but it feels even better to know that I have reached people on the other side of the world.

So, Haddock I thank you for this.

My goal of reaching people and sharing my stories, is on the road to completion.

Wow, this certainly feels amazing.

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