Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Anyone for a shot of freshly mowed lawn? Or a cup of grass the resembles the temperature and texture of freshly made sperm?

"I'll have one please!"

I just had a shot of wheat-grass at the vegetarian restaurant during lunch. And no, I am no virgin to this. On my 23rd birthday I wanted to do something out of the norm, something totally crazy. Wheat-grass it was! [This is rated crazy on the granny-scale of things to do.]

In order to get my nutrients up, I thought I give myself the 'delight' of experiencing this 'wonderful' monster snot once again.

Now, it keeps on repeating on me. Burp. Oh, there's the taste again. Burp. After taste!

Did you know that one tot of this stuff is equivalent to 1 kilogram of spinach or broccoli? Yes, it may taste like absolute shit, but hey ... it's health in a bowl.

With all this iron, whose the Popeye now?

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