Monday, August 23, 2010


Now, I need to be careful when writing this. I don't want a lawsuit on my ass.

KNAB = BANK (Sneaky way of hiding the topic of this blog, but it stands true as these places are usually backwards)

I went to a bank - no need to mention names - and I'm beyond irritated.

I had to cash a cheque but they were unable to verify the signature. So, no I didn't get the money that I so desperately needed. Being broke, I needed this money to get me through the rest of the month until pay day.

So now, I have to drive with fumes, as I have no petrol. Dinner tonight, is Harry and Sally's dog poo on the floor.

Mmmm.... doesn't that look delicious. Just add some urine and enjoy!

As for cigarettes, I'll have to roll up toilet paper and smoke that... Desperation calls for it. (I have done that before as a kid)

This always happens when you least need it. Arg! (Clubbering head against the wall)

Banks can be so useless sometimes, especially the cashiers who just stare at you with a blank face, not offering any form of solution.

Bank slogans, from now on, should read:

Today, tomorrow, fuck'en never
Not Making things happen
Not Inspired, nor motivated and definately not involved

To top it all off, I fell on my face on the stairs in the bank. Yes Stacey Rowan, fell on her face and is now entitled to a R20 000 loan from the bank, of which she does not have to pay back.

From now on, I'm buying me a piggy bank - as in the olden days. Yes, me and piggy will no longer have to deal with these knabs.

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