Friday, August 27, 2010

The Cock Coward

I'm fuming.

I'm so fuck'en mad. I was fine this morning, happy and care-free for once actually.

Then the bomb hit! Kabooooooooooooommmmmmmm!

Something happened at work today - I received an email from someone, who received the email from someone else. It was NOT a good email - it made me look bad.

Nothing irritates me more than when someone does not speak to your face, tells you the truth, but instead beats around the bush and tells everyone else besides you. This is known as THE COCK COWARD.

Tell it to my face - I can take it.

Now, I understand that the universe will put you in a place, whether it be a relationship or a job, that will make you grow.

But I'm not feeling growth at the moment, I feel like all my work, all my groveling, all my sweat and tears as gone, it's just disappeared into thing air. Poof! Now to start from scratch again....

To think you are doing so well at a job,or whatever else, and that your work is being noticed, and then you get smacked down again and made to feel like shit.

Damn you Cock Coward!

1 comment:

  1. Hi hun - I so understand what you feel like - and on top of it I think sensitive ladies like us tend to take the situations a lot more seriously than others... Don't worry hun something good will come your way soon!!
