Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Never send a women to do a man's job

For me, the saying 'Never send a women to do a man's job' holds true. But the same can be said about 'never send a man to do a woman's job.'

I have been running around like a blue ass fly, trying to get things to fix up the flat. During my lunch break I got paint and glue sticks. I still need to fix the bathroom and the hand rails, they are looking shabby. With money being tight, I need to get a mass of shit, on a limited budget. After driving from shop to shop, I finally found these damn glue sticks. I then phoned Chris to tell him...

Stacey: Babe, I got the glue sticks for the bathroom

Babe: What do they look like?

Stacey: The ones that you heat up, finger width, long. You have the gun remember...

Babe: No, we need the silicon ones. We have the gun for that.

Stacey: No, you said glue sticks

Babe: No, i didn't

Stacey: When you say gun - are you talking about that metal thingy?

Babe: Yes

Stacey: But I thought you meant that plastic gun, you use for the glue. That metal thingy is not a gun.

Babe: No, you put the stick in there

Stacey: But, Silicon is a TUBE. A tube. It's got that pointy thing on it. Oh shit, now I've just wasted money. This is why you should've gone and bought it.

Babe: Don't blame me for this.

This is why you do NOT get a women to do a man's job. This is precisely why you shouldn't get a women to get stuff from the hardware store. Give me cooking or baking and I'll cook you under the table. Give me a hammer, nail, or cement and I'll end up gluing my head to a tree.

Do I look the Bob the fuck'en Builder to you?

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