Monday, August 23, 2010

Today is the day

Today is the day...

Today is the day of the rest of your life.

There are two things in my life that are happening today. No need to divulge it now,you'll know soon enough. These two things that will define my life for the moment and dictate my path I shall follow.

These things, or should I say major decisions, have the power to change your life. Turn it up side down, change it for the better or the worst.

Whether your decisions are the right choices or the wrong choices, you'll only know after wards.

Today could be the day that makes my dreams come true.

Today is the day which may push me to take a risk.

Today is the day that I have been waiting for my whole life.

Today is the day....

Wow, what a day!


  1. can you make it more clearer about the sentence show in the image is: "that you saw a cartoon wenis"

  2. Hi, this has nothing to do with the post. The images says "Today is the day" - that is the sentence that is relevant" - this image is funny, that's why I chose it :)
